Monday, April 13, 2015


Instagram -Instagram began October of 2010 and quickly escalated to one million users by December of the same year. Currently they have over 100 million active users. The simplicity of instagram is what really is the main draw to instagram. Users are able to post pictures and video of up to 15 seconds with ease and quickness. Many celebrities and online personalities use Instagram as a venue to communicate with fans worldwide. Celebrities can use this wide reach with Instagram as a tool for starting movements and bringing light to important issues. The hashtag was a popular way of highlighting thoughts and opinions on many different subjects, but also as a way to categorize their posts with their hashtags. This divides up Instagram into the hundreds of thousands of communities that inhabit the internet, allowing the communities to express their passions with others with like-minded interests.

The aspect of collaboration can be found in the comment sections of the instagram photos. Tags are used to introduce or call “friends” in instagram to directly mention and thus share the photo. Since instagram is focused on sharing private photos to public, there is not much the users can do to collaborate, other than sending direct messages, commenting on photos, liking photos, and mentioning someone in the comment section.

Often, although not actually promoted, Instagram comments and photos are used excessively for advertising purposes, and these endeavors sometimes have a collaborative element as well.

As a chef, we use instagram all the time. The  Chef collaborations occur all the time now just through instagram. I personally have made some great friends just through the app. Seeing what people are doing with their cuisine throughout the world helps inspire just as a cookbook does. On the opposite side though, I cannot stand watching people take photos at the table of their food. I’m not trying to see my blood sweat and tears go cold as you find the perfect sepia tone or filter. Companies use Instagram to promote a new product. Many times as I scroll through my feed I will see a company or even a well-known instagrammer showcasing a product.

Class 9 Assigment: Collaborative Web Pages with Together JS

Exploring the web page of Together JS

Exploring the web page of Together JS

Launching 'Youtube' app

Launching 'Mad Libs' app

Launching 'drawing' app

Class 9 Assignment: Google Docs HTML Files

Downloading the google docs as a web html

successfully opened the downloaded web page 

uploading the html file

successfully uploaded the file

creating the ticket to create the link for the public

successfully created the link

Class 9 Assignment: My Own Prezi Presentation

I made a presentation on 'Virtual Reality'

Class9 Assignment: My Favorite 3 Prezi Presentations

I have signed up for the Prezi, and chose 3 favourite templates.

Class 9 Assignment: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

These two videos introduce the basics of HTML. In general, they go over what HTML is, and how it works, and how it may be formatted, and how it could b applied. In short, HTML, hypertext markup language is the language used to create web pages. Using this language to code, you may create and format the web page as you wish.

The first video basically talks about the fundamentals of writing the codes in HTML. One interesting aspect was the every HTML code has to include something called tags at the beginning and the end. These are to let the program know that we are starting the language and ending the language to process.

The history of HTML goes all the way back to 1990's and has transformed in versions until today. Although it started as one of the simplest languages, it is certainly one of the most important languages today. It is the language that has changed most of people's lives in areas where they have computers, and the future of this planet. Web-based internet has created infinite number of jobs for people and infinite possibilities and potential for the future in terms of advancing any field of studies. Most importantly, it enabled quick share of information with anyone on Earth.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Class6 Google Hangout Communication with Team3

I was chatting with Team3 teammates, Minchang and Rebecca.

Google Hangout

Google hangout is a program provided by google that is basically a form of instant message, but with video chat feature like Skype. Also, it enables the group of more than two people to video chat and communicate at once.

The starting procedure goes as you first make your profile, and build upon it such as by posting the profile picture so that it is easier for your friends and family to recognise. Then, add friends and communicate with your group.

Immersive Illness?

Since I was in middle school, I saw many of my friends getting addicted to the virtual world, video or computer games. Thus, I have seen how these virtual worlds have affected people's lives. Once someone is addicted, it is extremely powerful and often very hard to get out of. Luckily, I was never so into any games in my life. Hence, I found it also interesting how people can get so addicted to games playing 6,7 hours a day or even all night. However, I could see it is definitely a problem for many people and even may destroy many families and valuable times.

On the other hand, virtual world has been also a great benefit for numerous people. It helped people learn better and enjoy their lives more profoundly. Thus, it cannot be said that the virtual technology only brings illness. As much it brings illness for some people, it also brings great benefits for many others. I am very interested in how the immersive education and virtual world technology would develop in the future. It will surely bring both goods and harms.

Professor Aaron Walsh from the interview "Virtual reality and higher education: Another perspective" at

Monday, March 9, 2015

Class5: Operating system report shared with me

These are the screenshots of the operating system reports shared with me by the classmates.

Class5: Sharing my operating system report with classmates

Although my report is not done yet, this screenshot is trying to share the google docs with few of the classmates.

Class4 HW6c: Creating My Own Twitter List

 This is the screenshot of trying to make my own list page.

 This is the screenshot of creating the new list, named Adit134901.

 This is the screenshot of successfully created list.

 This is the screenshot of the process of adding a friend to the list.

This is the screenshot of successfully adding classmates on the list.

Class4 HW6b: Subscribing to Twitter Lists

This is the screenshot of reading about the list in Twitter.

This is the screenshot of the list page I found after searching about the immersive related pages.

Class4 HW6a: Facebook Pages and Groups

The features "Groups" and "Pages" may seem somewhat similar. However, they are there for different purposes, and help more Facebook users get along with their own interests. First, the feature "Pages" may be described as a formal page of an organisation or a firm. It could be used as the website of a firm or organisation within the Facebook, and with legal terms, the Facebook protects the rights of the  page to the firm or organisation. Therefore, only a formally certified individual from the firm or organisation may create or manage the page.

                                  This is the screenshot of reading about the "Pages" feature.

Thus, the page may be used commercially, such as to introduce a company's new products, or promote a product or stories of the firms. Also, it is fit to advertise their new products in the Facebook community. In terms of following the page, anyone who is interested in the firm or the organisation may follow the page, and stay up to date with their new posts and promotions.

On the other hand, the Facebook feature, "Groups" is more informal organisation of a group of people. Anyone who wishes may create or manage the group according to the privacy settings and terms in the Facebook. Therefore, groups is often used to connect people with similar interests to share their moments, stories, and communicate. For example, I may make a group that consists of my high school same year colleagues to keep in touch with them and organise future events within the community.

This is the screenshot of reading about "Groups" feature.

Hence, groups may be more personal and private, often restricted to certain people from certain communities. Moreover, as groups are managed privately, it is up to the manager of the group to accept certain people in or invite more people. Groups may be used for any type of people having same interest to promote their own interests.

Class4 HW5: Sharing on Facebook

 This is the screenshot of sharing a link that introduces a new Mercedes Benz dealership in Somerville, MA

 This is the screenshot of sharing a post from Porsche that introduces the new Porsche Cayman GT4.

This is the screenshot of sharing a link from Audi that is Audi's gallery from the Geneva International Autoshow.

Class4 HW4: Fresh Posts and Tweets

 This is the screenshot of sharing a new post of Geneva International Autoshow in my wall.

This is the screenshot of retweeting photos of Geneva International Autoshow in my Twitter Account.

Class4 HW3 Facebook "Likes" "Friends" "Share"

 This is the screenshot of reading about "like" in Facebook. Like is a feature to "like" any post in Facebook. You may like any post of photos, links, shared posts, and status. If you like a post, that post is also shared with your friends and even to the friends of the friends depending on your privacy setting. For example, the post you liked would appear in your friends newsfeed as "XXX like this photo". Thus, your friends can see what you liked. Moreover, the more "likes" you get, you know how much popular a specific post is.

 This is the screenshot of reading about the "friends" feature in Facebook. Friends feature is one of the most essential features of Facebook. It lets you network with your friends, and grow your network globally. If there is someone you would like to add friend, you search for that person in Facebook, when you find that person, then you may send a friends request. Then, if the person accepts your request, then you are now friends with that person. Once you are friends, you and the friends can may see each others' photos or any wall posts. Thus, sharing more on each others' accounts.

This is the screenshot of reading about the "share" feature. Sharing feature lets you share the post of someone else among your friends and even to the friends of your friends. If there is a post you would like to promote or advertise, for example, then if you share that post, it is shown to your friends that "XXX has shared this link". Thus, it is a very effective and quick way to promote a post among your friends. You may share any post of photos, links, videos or notes.