Monday, April 13, 2015

Class 9 Assignment: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

These two videos introduce the basics of HTML. In general, they go over what HTML is, and how it works, and how it may be formatted, and how it could b applied. In short, HTML, hypertext markup language is the language used to create web pages. Using this language to code, you may create and format the web page as you wish.

The first video basically talks about the fundamentals of writing the codes in HTML. One interesting aspect was the every HTML code has to include something called tags at the beginning and the end. These are to let the program know that we are starting the language and ending the language to process.

The history of HTML goes all the way back to 1990's and has transformed in versions until today. Although it started as one of the simplest languages, it is certainly one of the most important languages today. It is the language that has changed most of people's lives in areas where they have computers, and the future of this planet. Web-based internet has created infinite number of jobs for people and infinite possibilities and potential for the future in terms of advancing any field of studies. Most importantly, it enabled quick share of information with anyone on Earth.

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